Chairman Mauceri called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. in Room 14 at Town Hall in the presence of members Mr. Veno and Mr. O’Leary and Town Administrator Greg Balukonis. Mr. Dardeno was absent. Finance Committee members Donald Kelleher, Abby Hurlbut, Allen Wolpin, John Hadley, Bradley Jones, Sr. and Richard Johnson were also in attendance.
Mike Harris, Mark Westerfelt and Michael Mastacussa arrived late.
DPW Budget
DPW Director David Hanlon presented the FY2008 DPW Budget. Mr. Hanlon pointed out the machinery maintenance fuel budget was under funded. The correct amount needed for fuel as the department head’s recommendation should be $72,000.
Mr. Hanlon noted rubbish collection tonnage has increased an average of 400 tons since July. The reasons for the increase are not entirely clear. Mr. Mauceri suggested the trash collection rules be placed in the next round of water bills. The Finance Committee stated a long-term trash funding plan should be a goal. The Board of Selectmen agreed. Mr. Jones proposed the trash billing cycle also be reviewed.
The DPW Capital Plan was reviewed, including a $250,000 proposed Town Road Program. The Park Street Bridge engineering is budgeted at $100,000.
Police Department Budget
Chief Purnell, Lt. Nolan, Lt. Hayes and Thomas Romeo were present at the meeting to discuss the Police Department budget.
Lt. Nolan explained changes in the Police overtime account, including injury leave, department training, staff meetings and special events.
The amount necessary to provide FFE, technology and radio systems is approximately $400,000, which needs to be addressed at the April Town Meeting.
Det. Thomas Romeo addressed the Police Fleet and need for vehicles.
Fire Department Budget
Chief Harlow was present to review the Fire and EMS budgets. He indicated the Fire Department is seeking 4 new full-time fire fighters to comply with the 2 in – 2 out rule for entering a building.
The Chief reviewed costs associated with adding new fire fighters. North Reading has kept the same fire fighter staffing levels for many years despite significant residential growth.
Chief Harlow stated the Fire salary budget does not show a cost of living increase due to Union agreement expiring on July 1, 2006. A cost of living increase should be included in the FY08 salary pool according to the Town Administrator.
Deputy Fire Chief Richard Harris left the meeting due to an emergency call.
Chief Harlow addressed the department’s need for a west side fire station.
Chief Harlow left the meeting at this point due to a structure fire a Nick O’Brien’s garage.
The Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee agreed to reschedule the Fire Department Budget workshop at a later date to allow the Fire Chief an opportunity to complete his budget presentation.
ADJOURN 12:35 P.M.
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Date Joseph Veno, Clerk